Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Conflict Diaries!!!

Mood: Upbeat
Music: Marcus Miller "Milky Way" Marcus CD

2day’s Message: A Good Manager Doesn’t Try To Eliminate Conflict; He Tries To Keep It From Wasting The Energies Of His People. If You’re The Boss & Your People Fight You Openly When They Think You Are Wrong, That’s Healthy. Robert Townsend

What a powerful message. I totally agree with this message because I’ve always said that I’ve never ever wanted a bunch of “Yes Men” around me. If people are afraid 2 confront me, then they all believe that AJ is the smartest person in the room & he has ALL the answers. & we all know “That’s Not Right!!!” I just have “MOST” of the answers. ROFLMAO!!!

A little confrontation is always healthy. I personally thrive on it because it’s a lot like competition. Nothing fuels your NRG like being under pressure 2 produce. When you compete against others in sports, work, or charitable causes…, it will feed your adrenaline. It makes no sense 4 any of us 2 stand pat in life & NJoy a life filled with “Status Quo.” We need 2 make sure we continually get better each & every day even if it’s in small increments. I don’t want 2 B where I was yesterday…, I Want 2 B Better!!!

I’ve also raised my own children not to be afraid of Conflict. I told them it gives them a chance 2 sharpen their skills as they learn 2 argue from a position of strength & power as opposed 2 weakness & being dictated to. When you lay down your theories in an organized & cohesive manner it allows your opponents 2 C your vision. If your case is sound through & through…, game, set, & match. Nothing else needs 2 b discussed…

If you come @ people all sideways or all discombobulated…, they will pick your argument apart like taking meat off some spare ribs. It is okay for things 2 get just a tad heated. As long as we remain respectful, respectable, & keep our hands & feet to ourselves It’s All Good!!! Cause the minute you come @ me physically ALL BETS R OFF!!! WE SCRAPPING NOW!!! & I DO NOT FIGHT FAIR!!! I’m Seriously Trying 2 TAKE YOU OUT!!! KA-POW!!!

The line that works the best is that “We Need 2 Learn 2 Respectfully Disagree!!!” When we reach a stalemate where neither side will bend. We need 2 regroup, go back 2 our respective corners, work on our arguments again, so they can be re-presented. One side will have 2 bend because even in a Win-Win situation… Somebody comes out just a tad shorter than the other. & I Play 2 Win All The Tyme!!! LOL!!!

In the business world we seem 2 work much better under conflict than we do in our personal lives. The #1 reason for this is because in our personal lives we definitely seem 2 “Take Conflict Personally!!!” Sometimes we need 2 let go & just understand it’s simply a conflict & we can battle intelligently within the rules of the conflict.

1nce we cross that line & seriously begin 2 attack each other. The die is cast, the damage is done, & it’s a whole ‘nother animal. Sometimes the wounds we inflict can only be healed by the hands of time. & most of us won’t be able 2 stick around long enuff 4 that 2 happen. The wounds we inflict go so deep & hurt so bad that the only possible solution is 2 simply Pack Your Things & Go!!!

So re-read the above message & decide how you will handle conflict in your life. Conflict is a necessary part of life & you see it in Mother Nature every day. Without conflict there would be no progress. It’s because of conflict that we have had progress. Those in charge would’ve never relented & let the slaves go free. They were happy with the situation. We needed 2 rise up & cause a ruckus so they could simply, “Let My People Go!!!The Brother AJ

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