Wednesday, January 1, 2014

AJ's 2014 New Years Resolution!!!

Mood: Optimistically Hopeful
Music: Robert Glasper "Canvas" From Canvas CD
My Real New Year’s Resolution…,
I Am Sharing This Article 2day As It Embodies All I Xpect, Pray, & Hope 4 All Of U In 2014!!!
This Past Year Has Truly Been A Roller Coaster As I’ve Run The Gamut O’ Emotions From Happy-2-Sad, Xhilirated-2-Depressed, Thrilled-2-Pissed, From Blessed-2-Stressed, & Everything In Between!!! I Am Still Grateful That My Supreme Power Allowed Me 2 Keep Standing So That I Could C Another Year Come Into Fruition!!!
Thanxxx 2 All Of U 4 UR Support & Encouragement Along The Way…, Regardless Of How Big Or Small It Was…, & Of Course I’m Wishing U The Xtreme & Utmost Success Going FWD Into 2014!!! SHALOM!!!
So this year is over and we are ready to welcome in 2014. Some us with have limitless excitement in anticipation of the year, others couldn't care less. Either way, for the upcoming year we should “StriveTo Make Ourselves Happy And Quit Depending On Others To Find Bliss Or Inner Joy!!!
This was probably the year when everything people said to you caused a negative reaction: like making you upset or ruining your day, but those days are over come 2014. Claim It!
Life isn't just going to just hand you a bag of chocolates, plan it, make it happen for you. There are plenty of simple things that help; like spending time with friends, reading a good book, learning something new, exercising, or travelling to the countryside and having a relaxing afternoon — a new outfit can’t hurt.
When you constantly allow the words and actions of other people to negatively impact your life, you begin to DEPEND on others emotionally and allow external actions to affect your pursuit of happiness, which quite frankly, is a state of being that only “YOU” can create.
Use the five tips below to help you learn to live a healthier, happier and more productive life which takes place of the number one person in your life — YOU!!! Take control of your life and write your own story.
1. Accept What You Have: Truly happy people very often have modest levels of expectation and aspirations, and they know how to avoid disappointment. Accept where you are in life, set realistic goals, and stop complaining about the things that you can't have at this moment. Instead, work towards them. Google “Vision Board.
AJ Thoughtz: Although I DO NOT Have A Modest Bone In My Body (EGO)…, I’ve Learned 2 Live & NJoy Quite The Simpler Lifestyle!!! It DOES NOT Mean I DO NOT Like Nor Want Nice Things…, It’s Just That I’ve Learned 2 B Comfortable W/Who I Am & What I Got!!! Bottom Line Is If I Want More Than What I Currently Got…, I’ll Need 2 Put In The Necessary Work 2 Achieve Those Next Level Goals!!! I Don't Plan As Well As I Should Bcuz I NJoy The Thrill Of Flying By The Seat O' My Pants!!!
2. Enjoy What You Do: If you do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do, without thinking of money and glory, you may find yourself genuinely smiling more. It makes no sense sticking to a job you hate just because the money is good. If you spend too much time trying to make money, you may be sacrificing yourself in the process.
AJ’s Thoughtz: I Was Always Told That If UR Life Work Is UR Life Passion…, Then U’ll NEVER Work A Day In UR Life!!! Well Currently…, That Ain’t Happening 4 Me!!! But I’ve Done Pretty Daggone Good Here In The Utility World Over 30+ Years!!! My Trick??? NE Tyme I Felt Boxed In, Stale, Bored, Or Frustrated, I DID NOT Sit Idly By & Simply Stew…, I Worked On My Skillsets & Positioned Myself 2 B Available 4 The Next JOB!!! Don’t Cry About It…, Do What U Gotta Do So U Can BE ABOUT IT!!!
3. Find Your Happy Place: Identify things that you enjoy doing and do them more often. Make them part of your routine. Don’t wait on a holiday to have fun.
AJ’s Thoughtz: Clearly If U Know Me…, U Know Fun Is A HUGE PART O' My Daily Life Focus!!! Muzak Iz My #1 Passion!!! I Have Ensured That It Will ALWAYZ B A Part Of My Life As I’ve Built Special Places In My Home That Keep It 1st & Foremost In My Thought Process!!! I’ve Used Technology, Old Skool Things, & Continue 2 Educate Myself So It Never Fades Away!!! Between Muzak, Photography, Videography, Reading, Writing, & Technology I’ve Got Enuff Things 2 Keep Me Interested 4 A Lifetyme!!!
4. Maintain A Positive Attitude: Having a bad attitude towards life will attract negative energy in your life. Turn down the "BITCH LEVEL". You’ll find that you smile more and even the colors you wear will smile back. Put optimism into practice, recognize you hurt, but don’t dwell on it.
AJ’s Thoughtz: I Call It P.M.A. (Positive Mental Attitude!!!) The Only Person Responsible 4 UR Attitude Is U!!! U CANNOT Control What Happens 2 U…, But U Can Control How U React & Respond 2 It!!! I Strongly Believe In Karma & Negative NRG So I Work Hard 2 Keep The Good Vybes Flowing Around Me As Well As Rejecting All That Negative Drama!!!
I Can Get Incredibly Toxic When I Cross Over Into That Dark Evil Space So I Try Not 2 Go There!!! I Slip Every Now & Again (hey i am sort of human)…, But 4 The Most Part I Stay Relatively Happy & I Think That Iz Why More Folks Gravitate 2 Me Than Run Away From Me As They Feel That Kinetic Positive NRG I Try 2 Give Off!!!
5. Be Yourself: Don't compare yourself to others, and try not to worry about what naysayers think. Happy people are spontaneous and natural. Being yourself makes you feel free and authentic. Love yourself for who you are and not for what other people think of you. Your well-being is the most important goal in your life. Find meaning and purpose in your life.
AJ’s Thoughtz: I Never Wanted 2 B Normal & I Could NEVER Be NE 1’s Clone!!! I Am An American Original As God Truly Broke The Mold After He Made Me!!! I Am Cold, Callous, & Confident Enuff Not 2 B Concerned By What Others Who Mean AB-SO-LUTE-LY Nuthin’ 2 Me Think Or Say About Me & My Wayz!!! & 2 Those That Do Mean A Lil’ Sumthin’ Sumthin’ 2 Me…, If U R Going Against Me…, I Could Care Equally As Less…, But I Will @ Least Entertain UR Comments W/Some Thought Power Bcuz I Do Believe U Actually Have My Best Interests @ Heart!!!

I'm A Free Spirit, A Free Thinker, & Folks C The Authenticity (right or wrong) That Drips From My Soul!!! I Am Intense, Funny, Happy Go Lucky, & Deep Thinking All @ The Same Tyme So That Makes Me

I March 2 My Own Damn Drumbeat & I Live In The Moment Oblivious 2 Those Around Me!!! I Dress The Way I Wanna Dress, I Go 2 Places I Wanna Go 2, & I Do The Things That Make Me Happy!!! If By Chance U Can Share In Some Of That…, Then Thanxxx 4 Being Brave Enuff 2 Take The Ryde Along W/Me Bcuz I NEVER EVER Truly Know Where I’m Going!!!
I Xsist In Tyme & Space As An Empty Vessel Continually Filling Myself Up On All The Wonderful Life Xperiences That Life Bestows Upon Me!!! Bcuz @ The End O’ The Day There Is NOBODY On Planet Earth Better @ Being AJ Than Me!!! I Am Still Supremely Happy W/Myself & Who I Have Turned Out 2 Be; Bcuz If U Don't Know U'd Better Learn 2 About URself..., As I LOVE ME SOME ME!!! LOL!!!
The bottom line is we cannot control other people's actions, but we can control how we react to them. Going forward into 2014, let's make a point of living a happy life without letting others influence how you live. The happiest people appreciate and realize that being happy adds years to their life and life to their years.

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